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e3 2015

Don't Count On Ever Playing The Canceled SNES Star Fox 2

by Mike Futter on Jun 16, 2015 at 08:20 AM

During our conversation with Shigeru Miyamoto about Star Fox Zero, he mentioned that some of the features were originally planned for a canceled game. Star Fox 2 never saw the light of day on Super Nintendo, but fans have been interested in checking it out (even in a possibly rough state).

Miyamoto hinted that we shouldn't expect that to happen, unfortunately. "I think it's okay for Star Fox 2 to just remain a memory," he tells us. "I think the things I wanted to achieve in Star Fox 2 I'm doing in this game."

One of the Arwing's transformations, the dinosaur-like Walker mode, was one of the core ideas that originally appeared in the abandoned sequel.  Miyamoto says that doing it so much later though with the graphical fidelity of the Wii U led to more complex (and visually attractive) transformations.

You can read more about Star Fox Zero in our hands-on impressions and a deeper dive into the game's development with Miyamoto and his team.