
With San Diego Comic Con not far off, Square Enix is flaunting its SDCC Batman: Arkham Knight figure. With the SDCC version, Square Enix is delivering a limited color variant to the Dark Knight based on his appearance in Rocksteady's upcoming game.

The figure stands at 11 inches tall and can be posed in a variety of different ways. In addition, the figure includes several different interchangeable hands, as well as a gold batarang and batclaw. Batman's cape is also designed to behave the way fabric does in real life. In addition, the figure comes with a display stand.

If you're looking to pick up Square Enix's Batman: Arkham Knight SDCC figure and don't mind the $99.99 price tag, you can do so by heading to Square Enix's online store. If you just want to see more of this awesome figure, you can check out the gallery below.

[Source: Square Enix]