
Sony has announced that its on-demand game streaming service, PlayStation Now, will be fully realized on PlayStation 3 next week. While the a la carte, single-title rental has been up and running on that system, the subscription option (currently available on PlayStation 4) has not been.

Starting on May 12, subscription holders will be able to use the “all you can play” option on PlayStation 3 systems. If you already pay the monthly fee, you’ll be able to access titles from the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, and some Sony blu-ray players and televisions under that umbrella.

Additionally, five more titles have been announced for the service. They are:

  • Fat Princess
  • F1 2014
  • Sanctum 2
  • Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce
  • Farming Simulator

PlayStation Now subscriptions cost $19.99 for a single month. Three-month plans cost $44.99. Longer term plans have yet to be added.

Update: For the purposes of clarification, if you start a game on PS4, you can continue it on devices that don't yet offer the subscription option. This will allow those without a PlayStation 4 to initiate a subscription.

[Source: PlayStation Blog]


Our Take
Updated: This is good news for those that want to digitally rent games and haven't yet upgraded to PS4.