gamer culture

Enthusiastically. The BioWare store is now selling talking Elcor plushies.

Elcor are a race from the Mass Effect series, whose monotone voices limit their ability to express themselves. To make do, they use adjectives that describe their manner and tone of speech.

These adorable stuffed animals come with five different phrases: 

  • Affectionately: I love you.
  • Uncontrollable Glee: Ha..Ha...that tickles.
  • Manipulative Begging: Can we go see Blasto 6....Pleaaaaase.
  • Superstitious Fear: Can you check under the bed for reapers.
  • Continued Concern: Can you check the closet too.

The plush is about seven inches tall, and batteries are included. They are selling for $30 on BioWare's online store.

[Source: The Bioware Store]