reader discussion

Earlier today, Reiner posted a massive feature detailing 10 dream games he'd like to play based on some of his favorite sci-fi stories. His selections include everything from extended-universe Star War offshoots to some classic John Carpenter movies, and they all sound pretty awesome. Now it's your turn.

Use the comment section below to pitch us your dream game based on an existing sci-fi story, be it a movie, television series, novel, or comic book. Contrary to what some poor, misguided Feedback respondents think, we don't actually have any power in making developers create the games we want to play, so this is purely a thought exercise – but at least your fellow G.I. readers can share in your enthusiasm for how awesome your dream game would be.

As for my pick, if you couldn't tell from the image above, I'd love to play a Battlestar Galactica game – and not that free browser game. I'm thinking something along the lines of a third-person action/dogfighting game that also mixes in strategy elements, like managing your fleet and navigating the tense political power struggle that exists between the military and what remains of society's governing body (I'd be Team Adama all the way). BSG's long search for planet Earth would make for the perfect campaign arc, while the ever-dwindling population would create a sense of danger and urgency beyond the life of your own player-controlled character. In fact, a roguelike strategy game wouldn't be a bad fit for the series either – as long as you still get to kick some Cylon ass.

So what's your pick? Describe the dream project in the comments below!