nintendo direct

Update: According to the Japanese version of the Nintendo Direct, Fire Emblem will release in two separate versions – white and black – each featuring different characters and stories. No such distinction was made regarding the North American release (compare the two logos show in the presentations below), so it's not clear whether the different versions are exclusive to Japan or will extend to the game's worldwide release.

North America:


Original Story:

Players will have big choices to make in the upcoming Fire Emblem for 3DS, choosing to align with the Hoshido for a more traditional experience that might be more welcoming to new players, or siding with the Nohr for a more challenging experience as you try to unite a broken empire from the inside.

This massive choice will set players on completely different paths from the very beginning of the game, and provide multiple, unique experiences to engage with in a single game.

The new Fire Emblem for 3DS is expected to release in North America in 2016.