reader discussion

One of the coolest benefits of owning a Vita and a PlayStation 4 is the option to remote play games. Do you take advantage of it?

Despite having a lot of love for Wii U and my handhelds because they allow me to play games without monopolizing the TV, remote play is something I have never never been able to take advantage of. I love the idea of playing PlayStation 4 games on a small screen in my hand, but technological limitations have always created a wall. Even if I was sitting on the floor in front of my PlayStation 4, I would get incredible stuttering and unplayable framerates.

I have only tested it a little bit, but the latest update for PlayStation 4 and Vita seem to be helping. If it truly works as advertised now, I see myself using it a lot more.

How about you? Do you use remote play? Or have you been experiencing the same issues I have?