
Rockstar is currently investigating an issue related to update 1.08 on Xbox One and PlayStation 4. The company has responded to player complaints that the patch caused a graphical downgrade.

On Rockstar’s support site, the company acknowledges the issue. “We are aware of some graphical issues on the Xbox One and PS4 versions of GTAV after the most recent Title Update, and we are investigating a fix now,” the company says. No release window has yet been specified.

The video below shows comparison between the game’s original 1.00 release and the current version. Rockstar suggests subscribing to its support page for updates.

[Source: Rockstar, Video: ElAnalistaDeBits]


Our Take
This is a strange problem to pop up, but it’s good that Rockstar has acknowledged it. Hopefully a fix will come in soon, as the current-gen versions of the game have the capacity to look quite good (as you can see above).