reader discussion

When it comes to games like Call of Duty and Battlefield, are you in it only for the multiplayer? The single-player? Or both?

I could be totally wrong about this (hopefully the comments will provide some insight) but I feel like an anomaly in that I prefer the single-player campaigns in these types of games. I dabble in Call of Duty's multiplayer every year, and on a few occasions have gotten totally absorbed (I played a lot of Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer in particular) but generally, I look forward to running through the campaigns for the roller coaster set pieces and memorable moments.

What about you? Do you play both modes equally? Or mostly just stick to one or the other?

Jeff Marchiafva, who recently posted his review of Battlefield: Hardline has made his opinion of the game's single-player very clear, and you can read about it here. You can read the full Hardline review here. You can also read Jeff Cork's feature, The 10 Stages Of Playing A Multiplayer Shooter, which certainly relates to this subject, by following the link.