gamer culture

Jake Kaufman and Jessie Seely’s Nuren Kickstarter campaign has been funded. Working under the name CSP Industries, Kaufman and Seely have gathered together 3D and 2D artists from inside and outside the game industry to help populate Nuren’s different spaces. When completed, the project will play like an interactive series of music videos, each with its own unique visuals.

Kaufman is best known for his work on Shovel Knight and Ducktales Remastered, while Seely provided vocals for Double Dragon Neon’s Neon Jungle track and voiced Linda Lash. Check out the video below to see them explain the project.

A release date has not been announced for Nuren, and CSP Industries cites a lack of compatibility with Unreal Engine 4 as a major hurdle for the VR experience when porting to other VR capable platforms. You can check out more details about Nuren on its Kickstarter page.