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reader discussion

Reader Discussion: Are You More Or Less Likely To Purchase A Late Port?

by Mike Futter on Mar 13, 2015 at 07:54 AM

With indies now firmly planting their flags in the console space, we’re seeing a surge in staggered releases and timed exclusivity. Whether because of platform-holder arrangements or simply the limited capacity of some small developers, it’s becoming more common for games to roll out in stages.

Conventional wisdom says that a unified release across platforms allows for more attention across a wider range of game consumers. However, since it’s not always possible, we’re curious how staggering impacts your interest.

Are you the kind of gamer that is glad to have titles come later to your platform of choice, after critics and consumers have had their say elsewhere? Would you prefer to jump in on the ground floor to be part of the broader conversation at launch or have your pick of platforms from the get-go?

Let us know how you view this recent ripple of releases across platforms. We’ll review your responses and share some of them.