
Earlier today, a listing on Capcom's Unity site detailing PAX merch had a description hinting at a Spring 2016 release for Street Fighter V. That description has since been changed by Capcom.

The description, which you can see below in a screenshot grabbed before Capcom changed the text, originally read,"Everyone is fired up for Street Fighter V coming to the PS4 and PC next Spring. Until then, you can sport the official SFV key art T-shirt, which features Ryu in a heroic pose, for $25."

The text now reads, "Everyone is fired up for Street Fighter V coming to the PS4 and PC."

For more on Street Fighter V, head here.

[Source: Capcom Unity]


Our Take
The fact that Capcom removed the hint at the release window adds some credibility to the rumor, but it is still very much that – a rumor. With PAX happening now and E3 not too far off, I'm sure we will learn more concrete details soon. But for now, Spring 2016 seems like a pretty solid bet.