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Weekend Warrior 3/6/2015

by Justin Mikos on Mar 06, 2015 at 01:00 PM

This weekend Helldivers is by far the most popular choice at Game Informer followed by Monster Hunter 4. Some of the interns are working their way through Danganronpa and are grappling with despair. What are you playing this weekend? Be sure to share in the comments below!

Brian Shea(@BrianPShea): This weekend, I’m playing more Assassin’s Creed Unity and Majora’s Mask 3D. In between those two, I might play some Helldivers and Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Tipping Stars.

Ben Reeves (@BenjaminReeves): On a whim, I decided to start paying Oddworld: New 'n’ Tasty! and now I kind of feel like playing through the whole thing. I’m also excited about continuing my play through of Helldivers and I might play some more Axiom Verge, because that game is awesome. Also, did you know I also wrote a book. Kill Screen, it might change your life.

Ben Hanson (@Yozetty): This weekend I'm going to hopefully be playing more Helldivers on PS4. If you have a small group to play with it's a slam-dunk, believe Jeff Marchiafava's hype. Other than that, I'm looking to start playing White Night and Reassembly on Steam. Oh, also I'm watching Adam Carolla's new movie in Minneapolis tonight and attending a Q&A with him because I have an unhealthy obsession with his life. Have a good weekend, y'all!

Kyle Hilliard (@KyleMHilliard): I have a cat that follows me around who looks like Luigi, so I think Monster Hunter might be finally clicking for me. I'm also playing and enjoying some DLC that I will share some impressions about on Monday. Otherwise, it's hanging out with the family and maybe watching some Dragon Ball Z movies with Ben Hanson?

Jeff Marchiafava (@GIJeffM): This weekend I’m planning on jumping into Evolve with a couple of coworkers. It’s been a week or two since I played the game, and I’m looking forward to jumping back in with a crew of friends. We’ll also inevitably end up playing Helldivers, which I can’t get enough of. I’ve got another secret downloadable game that I’m excited to start this weekend, but I can’t talk about it until next week. Sorry for being a tease!

Tim Turi (@timturi): This weekend I’ll be traveling back home from GDC 2015, so I’ll be playing several hours of portable games on the way over. That means I’ll be hunting plenty of monsters in Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, and maybe finishing up a few extra levels in Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition on Vita. Once I’m home, I plan on finally finishing up Dying Light and hopefully finding out what all the Helldivers ruckus is about.

Margaret Andrews (@sopheava): I'm being peer-pressured into trying Monster Hunter 4 (thank you, everyone in the office!). If that doesn't ruin my life I'm back on coop duty with Destiny and Diablo 3.

Mike Futter (@futterish): I'm at PAX and playing tons of awesome things. If you're here and see me, say hi!

Jon Gregory (@JMan240): I’m still trying to force my way through Danganronpa, even though I’m not terribly in love with the characters so far. I’m right at the end of Chapter 4, so I don’t have that much more to go. Outside of that I’ll be continuing with Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker as I prep a story on the series, and I’ll also probably try to wrap up Link’s Awakening for the first time at some point as well.

Elise Favis (@elisefavis): I’m hoping to play more Dying Light, and will probably returning to a rather disturbing playthrough of Mass Effect 2, where Commander Shepard resembles what can best be described as a vampire clown. My biggest focus will be continuing Daganronpa – I just finished the second chapter and, while I find some of the characters somewhat annoying, the game itself has proven to be entertaining.

Justin Mikos (@JustinMikos): I wrapped up Wolfenstein The New Order earlier in the week (and then they announced the sequel the next day which was weird) so I need to find something new to play. I might return to Lightning Returns so I can finish it before Final Fantasy Type-0 and Episode Duscae come out, but other games like Disgaea D2, Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix, and Dragon Age Inquistion all look fun too. If nothing else, I'll be playing Under Night In-Birth and watching anime. Have a good weekend everyone!