gamer culture

Two years ago, Sonic the Hedgehog and Mega Man teamed up in Archie Comics’ Worlds Collide crossover event. Last year a follow-up was teased, and today we learned that the World’s Unite event is even larger than originally thought. Not only are characters from Mega Man X and Sonic Boom entering the crossover, but other characters from both Sega and Capcom are joining the event as well.

(Click image above to see full-sized version)

IGN has the exclusive reveal of the first teaser image which you can see above and will be unveiling more characters in the days ahead. Sonic, Mega Man, Mega Man X, and Sticks the Wild Jungle Badger are the first four characters revealed for the crossover.

For more on Archie Comics’ Sonic and Mega Man series, check out Tim Turi’s interview with the creators of the World’s Unite crossover event.