
Last year, GameSpy Technologies was shut down by owner Glu, breaking the matchmaking functions for many PC and PlayStation 3 titles. Since then, some affected titles were restored, while others were left without key multiplayer components.

Today, one of those is coming back online. The PlayStation 3 version of the original Borderlands will be operational once more thanks to the assistance of 22nd Century Toys. PC multiplayer was updated in April 2014 and now functions on SteamWorks.

Next time you sign in, you’ll need to download an update. Following that, you’ll be able to sort your friends by those playing Borderlands, the ones that are online, and alphabetical order. You’ll also be getting improved voice communications and a fix for the broken “And They’ll Tell Two Friends” trophy.

If you keep your save in the cloud, you might need to tweak your settings. Brightness, Y-axis inversion, and other items may need your attention.

This news comes at a good time, with The Handsome Collection (bundling Borderlands 2 and The Pre-Sequel for current gen consoles) on the way. And, if you had PlayStation Plus in September 2012, you already have the original Borderlands and can grab some friends for another run-through.

[Source: Gearbox]


Our Take
Good on Gearbox for getting this back up and running. These seemingly minor fixes for older games are more about doing right by the consumer than anything. Whomever paid for this (whether it was just Gearbox or 2K pitched in) won’t see a cash return on the investment, but consumer confidence has value, too.