
Update: Sony has posted an update to the terms and conditions of the 10 percent coupon that will be live this weekend. Unfortunately, pre-orders are now also excluded. They join PlayStation Plus subscriptions, Music Unlimited, and PlayStation Now and video rentals in "not applicable" category.

Original Story:

At the start of the new year, we reported that Sony would be offering an apology for the downtime over the holidays. This weekend, you’ll be able to take advantage of one part of that.

In addition to five days of PlayStation Plus extension that will be applied shortly, every PlayStation Network member will be entitled to a discount. This weekend, beginning on January 23 at 9 a.m. Pacific / 12 p.m. Eastern, you can get a one-time discount of 10 percent on your entire cart.

The promotion code (which will be posted on the PlayStation Blog in the coming days) expires on January 26 at 9 a.m. pacific / 12 p.m. Eastern. You’ll need to have completed your transaction by that time.

There are some exclusions, including PlayStation Plus memberships, Music Unlimited, PlayStation Now rentals, and video rentals. Pre-orders are eligible.

[Source: PlayStation Blog]


Our Take
The window to use this is a bit narrower than I expected, but it’s great that pre-orders are eligible. Mark your calendar, because you don’t want to miss your chance to consider a purchase (even if you don’t end up buying anything). As I said before, I'm not a big fan of apology items that require additional expenditures, but it's what we're getting. If you have your eye on something, you might as well make the most of this.