gamer culture

Dillon Markey is an animator for Adult Swim's Robot Chicken, and he uses a modified Power Glove NES controller to make his job easier.

You can check out a short documentary video on Markey's creation and job below, and how he uses his nostalgic creation in a practical way. The short was created by film maker Ava Benjamin. Markey uses the d-pad buttons to move through animation frames and the A and B buttons to take stills, and he has set it up in such a way where it is all wireless. He also has a fancy, built-in pair of tweezers that are easy to access and easy to put away.

In the video Markey says, “To be completely honest, some people have made fun of me, and said that looks like the most useless thing in the world, but uh… they’re wrong.”


Markey isn't the only person who thinks highly of the Power Glove legacy. Power of Glove, a documentary about the failed Nintendo peripheral, is currently in production nearing release. You can find out more about the film here.

[Source: Ava Benjamin on Vimeo, via Wired, Reddit]