by Jeff Cork on Dec 19, 2014 at 04:59 AM

In a recent interview, Nintendo game designer Shigeru Miyamoto dropped a few quick references to post-Wii U hardware. While he says that the system remains a focus for the company in the coming year, internal teams are already looking ahead to what the next wave of hardware could bring.

His comments came in an interview with an Associated Press reporter. When asked about Mario's future, Miyamoto responded by saying, "I think that maybe when we release the next hardware system, you can look forward to seeing Mario take on a new role or in a new game." Later, he said that the company is working on new software, but that there are teams within Nintendo that are brainstorming what kinds of things could be included in the company's next hardware generation.

[Source: Associated Press via GameSpot]


Our Take
This shouldn't come across as too surprising, considering that companies have to keep an eye toward the future if they hope to stay relevant – whether they're in technology or nearly other facet of manufacturing. It takes time to develop hardware. It is interesting that he was so candid about the subject, considering he was fielding a softball question about Nintendo's mascot.