
Snow isn’t a regular sight in Los Santos, but Rockstar has worked some magic to make it happen. The Grand Theft Auto Online Festive Surprise event kicks off today.

If you want to unwrap something explosive, head over to Ammu-Nation for a homing launcher and proximity mines. And if you happen to miss out on the seasonal festivities, don’t worry. These are available permanently.

Rockstar is also introducing new vehicles to the online world. The Hot Rod Christmas Ratloader, Slam Van, Massacro, and Jester can be purchased now and driven even after the snow melts.

If you want to dress up your hoodlum for the season, you can get free clothing (seaters, hats, scarves) and masks. They’ll disappear on January 5, though. 

Check in with Grand Theft Auto online on Christmas for some gifts in your inventory. You can also temporarily get the fireworks launcher and ammunition on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve, and New Year’s Day. This is a time-limited item though, so make the most of it before January 5.

These items are part of a title update rolling out on all four platforms today. You should be able to download it shortly. And in case you missed the news, Rockstar has started talking about what (and when) to expect from Grand Theft Auto Online heists.

[Source: Rockstar]