
Following Ubisoft’s apology for the problems with Assassin’s Creed Unity, the company indicated that it would be making changes to the season pass. As a make-right for anyone that purchased the game, the Dead Kings DLC will be free. And anyone that purchased the season pass (that previously included that content) will be getting a free Ubisoft game.

The publisher has updated its question and answer page related to the free game offer. On a page related to the matter, Ubisoft says that the website to secure your additional title will be going live this week.

If you have purchased but haven’t yet redeemed your season pass, you should do so at your earliest convenience. Delaying will cause a lag in your ability to collect your free title.

As a reminder, the following titles are eligible:

  • The Crew 
  • Far Cry 4 
  • Watch Dogs 
  • Assassin’s Creed Black Flag 
  • Rayman Legends 
  • Just Dance 2015 

The season pass is no longer being sold, but those that did purchase it will still receive the other content they were promised. This includes Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: China, a standalone game.

[Source: Ubisoft]


Our Take
It’s wise for Ubisoft to get this in motion before Christmas, as the gaming networks typically become clogged with all the new consoles coming online. You would do well to move on this quickly once the redemption website is available.