playstation experience

LittleBigPlanet is a series renowned for its player creation tools, and nobody knows how to use them better than its developers. The team put together a retrospective video featuring 20 years’ worth of PlayStation classics, most of which were created using the in-game level- and character-editing toolset.

The video sweeps from PaRappa the Rapper and Twisted Metal to Uncharted 2 and The Last of Us with an adorable adeptness, showcasing the variety of LittleBigPlanet 3’s creation tools. The video below is one more neato little thing to come out of PlayStation Experience, and it was another great way to celebrate 20 years of PlayStation.

In addition, LittleBigPlanet 3 recently got decked out in Sneaking Suits and fedoras with a Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes costume pack. The outfits include Snake, Kazuhira Miller (Snake’s friend and mentor), Skull Face (one of the antagonists of the upcoming Phantom Pain) as well as vehicles like a tank and a helicopter (unfortunately, not a HIND D[?!]).

Miss some of the stuff that went down at PlayStation Experience? Lucky you, we've got a comprehensive roundup of all announcements and reveals and a goofy video tour to help you catch up. And like I said, some fans came up with neat ways to celebrate their platform of choice. Check a few of them out here, here, and here.