Weekend Warrior
by Jason Dafnis on Nov 26, 2014 at 01:00 PM

In addition to loved ones and roofs over our heads, we’ve gotten a lot of great games to be thankful for this Fall, and we’ll likely be spending a chunk of the weekend playing them. How about you?

Tim Turi (@timturi): I always look forward to this time of the year. As someone who has spent countless hours of his life playing games where delicious, fully-cooked turkeys are commonly found in trash cans and castle walls, it’s always exciting to see one of these things in real life. In addition to eating myself sick, I plan on using my time out of the office to play a ton of games. I have a strong feeling that Dragon Age: Inquisition will be syphoning away most of that time, but I hope to play some more This War of Mine, Diablo III, and maybe some Halo: Master Chief Collection if 343 Industries can get the servers up and running.

Ben Hanson (@yozetty): I have too many games to play over the Thanksgiving break. I'm going to continue to play an unhealthy amount of Smash, I'll be bringing my Wii U back home and am looking forward to playing it with some old friends. I'll also probably play some Game & Wario pictionary with the family as well. Oh, and Fibbage on PS3 with the family. Tonight I'm also starting to play Castlevania: Symphony of the Night for the first time. It'll actually be the first Castlevania game that I've ever played, so I've been told that I have a lot to look forward to? I'm hoping it's not too difficult. Other than all that, I will continue to play Far Cry 4 and This War of Mine on Steam. Have a good holiday!

Mike Futter (@futterish): I’m continuing to dig out from under my backlog of 2014 releases. This weekend, I’ll be spending time with some handheld games, including Persona Q, Bravely Default, and Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc. I also hope to work in some time with PC titles, including Divinity: Original Sin, This War of Mine, and Lichdom: Battlemage. End of year is fast approaching, and I need to be ready.

Jeff Marchiafava (@GIJeffM): I’m going to take advantage of the extended weekend to tackle one of the most time-consuming games of the year: Dragon Age: Inquisition. I haven’t played either of the first two games, but I think I get the gist – run around a big open world, kill dragons, and marry an elf or something. I also still have to get back to Shadow of Mordor at some point, and finish off Advanced Warfare. Oh, I’ll probably eat some turkey too.

Matt Kato (@MattKato): Going to be spending chunks of the weekend with Far Cry 4 and Assassin's Creed Unity. It's interesting playing both at the same time and seeing how the two labelmates approach things in similar and different ways.

Jason Dafnis (@nintendufus): My girlfriend is braving a Megabus from Chicago to visit me for Thanksgiving, which brings my "thankful for" tally up to about 30,000 things. I'm going to try to squeeze in some Crash Bandicoot – feeling another backlog weekend coming on – but I'll likely spend a good bit of time showing Sadie around the Twin Cities. Ben Hanson thinks he's going to be playing Smash Bros. all weekend, but we'll see how that works out (don't tell him, but I've still got his copy from a feature I've been writing).

Kyle Hilliard (@kylemhilliard): It’s a low-key Thanksgiving this year, which I am thankful for. I am hoping to use the time off to catch up on some games (I’m currently jumping back and forth between Sunset Overdrive, The Evil Within, and Super Smash Bros. Wii U, and will likely add Assassin’s Creed Unity and Far Cry 4 to that list before the week is out), and hang out with the family. I am cooking a turkey, which I didn’t ruin last year – a trend I am hopeful I will be able to keep moving forward.