
Ubisoft says that it's prepping a patch for Assassin's Creed Unity's Initiates service – the web-based info/tracking hub for the series – that ties back into Unity via chests you can only open up if you've signed up for the program.

The patch is scheduled to go live today at 9 a.m. EST, and the service will go offline for about an hour and a half to accommodate it.

The update aims to allow players to record what they've done in previous games in the series (including the ability to get Arno's legacy costumes) on their Initiates profile as well as synchronize profile data faster.

There are myriad problems in the game, and Ubisoft has been working on various updates to try and correct them, including the disappearing faces on PC.



Our Take:
I've encountered those chests and tried to jump through the Initiates' hoops to get them open and gave up. I imagine – like most of you – whether the service is up and running or not, I've shrugged my shoulders and moved on in the game. With enough problems like this, at what point do I walk away from the title in apathy entirely?