
Do not believe everything you read on the Internet, especially when it comes in the form of foreign trademark and copyright. The latest “news” about Fallout is a hoax. Sorry.

Various news sites have been reporting on an alleged Bethesda trademark for something called “Fallout: Shadow of Boston.” Today, Bethesda put the rumors to rest.

“The German trademark filing that's making the rounds is a hoax,” the company said via its Twitter account. “This didn't come from our offices.”

Begin period of mourning… now. This is the third such hoax in the past year. The first, Survivor 2299, was pretty convincing. Then there was the IMDB listing for a Fallout: Shadows of Boston movie, also fake.

Pictured above: Fallout 3, a real game

[Source: Bethesda on Twitter]


Our Take
My general rule for coverage is that I don’t take trademark filings seriously until they hit the US Patent and Trademark Office. Even then, it’s good to maintain healthy skepticism. 

Fraud. Fraud never changes.