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Lords Of The Fallen Game-Breaking Bug Gets A Patch

by Mike Futter on Nov 05, 2014 at 03:31 AM

Readers reported to us last week that some Lords of the Fallen players were experiencing a game-breaking bug. The issue in question occurred when players fell into a pit in the Catacombs area of the game and could not get out.

We reached out to publisher Bandai Namco for news, and have just received word that a patch is available. The good news is that you won’t experience the issue anew after the patch. Unfortunately, the update won’t actually get you out of the pit. You’re stuck.

The PC patch also improves stability, fixes a bug related to saving of display settings, and also addresses a door spawn point in the Catacombs. Developer CI Games says it is working on another patch that will further improve stability and address other gameplay issues. For more, check out our review.

[Source: Steam Forums]


Our Take
I suppose the moral of the story is “don’t fall down a hole.” That’s small comfort to those that have had their progress stalled entirely by this issue, though. At the very least, it won’t happen again after the patch has been applied.