
Gamers in love with Halo: Spartan Assault – the twin-stick, top-down shooter are in luck. 343 Industries has announced a follow-up entitled Halo: Spartan Strike.

The game comes out on December 12* for $5.99 on Windows platforms (including Surface and Windows phone) and Steam.

Spartan Strike takes place during the events of Halo 2, which doesn't strictly make it a sequel to Spartan Assault, which took place between Halo 3 and Halo 4.

Note: All images are from Halo: Spartan Assault. The original story wrongfully stated a December 14 release date. This mistake has been corrected in the text. We apologize for the error.

[Source: IGN]


Our Take:
Spartan Assault eventually came to the Xbox One and Xbox 360, and hopefully Spartan Strike will follow the same circuitous route.