Update: Microsoft is sounding the all-clear on Xbox Live's friends and messaging problems. The above message has appeared on the Xbox Live service page indicating that the engineering team has corrected the error.

Thanks to reader "Eyes of Avo" for alerting us to the update.

Original Story:

If you signed into your Xbox One or Xbox 360 and noticed that something was amiss with your friends list and profile, you aren’t alone. Readers have alerted us (and we have since confirmed) that there is an ongoing problem with those parts of the Xbox Live service.

Microsoft has issued an Xbox Live alert regarding the matter. “Having difficulties managing your Friends or Profiles? Us too, but we're already working hard to address this issue,” the statement on the Xbox Support page reads. “We’re grateful for your patience in the meantime, Xbox members. We’ll update you as soon as we have more information.”

We’ll track this issue and update as more information becomes available.