reader discussion
by Matthew Stolpe on Oct 03, 2014 at 02:00 PM

Super Smash Bros. for 3DS is dominating much of the GI staff’s time this weekend, but some editors have managed to make room for some little known, so-indie-you-haven’t-heard-of-them titles like Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor and Destiny. What are you all up to?

Ben Hanson: This weekend I'm hoping to dive face-first into Shadow of Mordor. I've only played a couple hours so far but am enjoying my time with it. Other than that, I'm banking on a couple of good Smash Bros. matches. Robin and Greninja seem to be the way to go, with a sprinkle of Wii Fit Trainer for good measure. Have a good weekend!

Andy McNamara: I can’t seem to stop playing Destiny, so I expect to play a lot of Crucible this weekend (hopefully the lag switchers have been banned because last weekend they were everywhere on PS4). I also have a copy of Alien: Isolation staring me in the face and I may have to turn that on late night when my PVP skills fall apart (if you want to call what I do in the Crucible skill). A bike ride, of course, will be on order as well. 

Jeff Cork: This weekend is all about Middle-earth. I've been rewatching the Lord of the Rings trilogy, and Return of the King is finally up in the rotation. In addition to that, I've been playing Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor. It's been a lot of fun so far, especially now that the systems are unlocking and it's showing its true depth. I might check out Destiny this weekend, too, and hit level 27. I'm *this* close to it, which I guess is how they keep you hooked...

Sam Stewart: Super Smash Bros. for 3DS just came out this morning, and while I’ve already played about 4 hours I don’t plan on stopping anytime soon. I’m finding that my old favorites Marth and Toon Link are still great characters, but a few other characters, such as Samus, Robin, and Captain Falcon, are a lot of fun as well. I plan on spending most of my weekend playing with friends both locally and online.

Jason Dafnis: I tell myself I’ll finish watching season 2 of Twin Peaks. I tell myself I’ll unlock all of the new Smash fighters and improve my online ranking. I tell myself I’ll get into Orphan Black and binge-watch Seinfeld. I tell myself lies. In all likelihood, my weekend’s cordoned off to go garage saleing (saling?) and beat American McGee’s Alice and its sequel, Alice: Madness Returns. Stay frosty.

Matthew Stolpe: This weekend I’ll find myself vacillating between Smash Bros. 3DS and a playthrough of Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands. My chest is bursting with excitement for Alien: Isolation but sadly I have to wait until Tuesday before I can have the pants scared off me. I may wind up rewatching Ridley Scott's Alien (one of my favorite films ever) in preparation, but I may not have time in between thrift shopping and going to see a Christopher Owens show.