reader discussion
by Sam Stewart on Sep 26, 2014 at 02:00 PM

With the release of Super Smash Bros. for 3DS nearly upon us many of the editors are getting in some early practice with the new characters and stages, while many others are still working their way up the ranks in the world of Destiny. Outside of games a few editors are looking forward to watching (and rewatching) the new Godzilla movie.

Tim Turi: I have some lost time to make up for. I’ve been traveling for work, which has fortunately given me a ton of time to play some great mobile games. I’ve been digging Super Smash Bros. on 3DS (I’m a Mega Man’s man), recently beat Resident Evil 2 on my Vita for the millionth time, cleaned up Rogue Legacy, and finally got around to starting the incredible Metroid Fusion. For this upcoming weekend, I want to catch up on console games. Mainly, I need to do something about my level 10 Guardian, which is embarrassingly low leveled compared to the rest of the GI staff.

Andrew Reiner: Destiny. Skylanders. And more Destiny and Skylanders. I'm hoping to reach level 26 in Destiny, but haven't had much luck with loot since hitting 24. That said, I'm still having a great time with the game. The second-to-second firefights are flat-out fun. I'm having a good time playing it regardless of the progress I am making. Movie watching this weekend includes a second viewing of Godzilla, and a first viewing of Neighbors. I also hope I have time to finish up the third season of Homeland.

Ben Hanson: This weekend I'm going to play an unhealthy amount of Smash Bros. and dabble in a bit more Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII when I have time. Final Fantasy VII is up there with Shadow of the Colossus as my favorite game of all time, but I never owned a PSP so I never played this luke-warm prequel. It turns out it's an amazing piece of fan service and I've enjoyed my time with it so far, even though the environments are terrible and battle system is okay. I've also had great local multiplayer games piling up on Steam, so I should probably get around to playing Divekick, Starwhal, Gang Beasts, and more Cannon Brawl. Have a good weekend!

Kim Wallace: I was in Japan last week for TGS, so I missed out on some gaming. I know, poor me! I’m going to finally play D4 since it launched when I was at the show. I saw it last year at TGS, and I just adore Swery’s sense of humor. I’m really interested in Neverending Nightmares, too. I feel like I have to be in the right head space for it, though. Other than that, now that FIFA 15 is in my hands, I’ve been playing a lot of manager mode. I’m digging all the little changes they made so far. I need to keep stepping up my game before I go online. Hopefully, I’ll see some of you on the pitch soon.

Kyle Hilliard: I have been moving back and forth between Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor and Super Smash Bros. on 3DS and enjoying both tremendously. Otherwise, I might check out the new Godzilla movie this weekend, and check out the Gotham pilot.

Sam Stewart: Earlier this week I bought a copy of Zack and Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure for a few bucks and was surprised by how fun it was. Its got a ton of charm and actually uses the Wii Remote in some cool ways, so I'm excited to get farther in it this weekend. When I'm away from home I plan on playing some more of the Super Smash Bros. for 3DS demo in preparation for the official release next week. Also, Dota 2's big new patch just hit yesterday so I plan to spend at least one night checking out all the big changes, and hopefully winning some matches. 

Matthew Stolpe: I just finished my first playthrough of Resident Evil 4 this week, so I'm in a state of limbo of what to play next. In celebration of the upcoming season, I want to keep my next game firmly rooted in the horror genre. Currently my short list has been narrowed down to Five Nights at Freddys, Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs, and Shadows of the Damned. Other plans include going to a midnight screening of Tommy Wiseau's masterpiece The Room, and further exploring the Twin Cities.