fun with photoshop

We’re overwhelmed by the interest you’ve shown in our Destiny Photoshop contest. We’ve received dozens of fantastic entries and rather than wait until tomorrow, we decided to showcase some of our favorites from the first day now. You can thank Game Informer executive editor and President of Video Games Andrew Reiner for this.

Without further ado, here are some of the best submissions we've received so far (click to enlarge these images):

There are a lot of things that could be inside the Traveler. We're pretty sure this is the most outlandish suggestion we've received. We have sent a grievance counselor to reader William Jones' house.

We assumed that the Traveler is some kind of alien entity, but reader Thomas Remington has another idea. What if all that metal is bent to the will of... MAGNETO?!

If you've never had a chocolate orange, you are missing out. Take it out of the box, smack it against the table to break up the "slices" and eat. Reader Richard Milburn suggests that maybe, just maybe, we should hit the Traveler against a table and eat it.

Long have scientists rallied against the idea that celestial bodies are made of cheese. What if reader Nick Jarrett is right, though. What if the Traveler is nacho savior?

I'm not going to lie to you (at least not about cake). We received a number of Valve-inspired entries. Thomas Remington is back to remind us that Wheatley has been in space for a very long time.

In a surprise twist, Activision will combine its Transformers license with Bungie's development might. This image by Jonny Apple Juice does point out that the Destiny story really could go anywhere from here.

Somehow, we don't think that Phil Fish is inside the Traveler. Although, neither Fish nor the Traveler could be reached for comment at the time. Neither seems very active on Twitter right now, either. Actually, maybe reader Jon Hannigan is onto something.

As much as I like "meeting" the Cabal on Mars, I think reader "Jabba128" is onto something. Maybe if Destiny ever comes to PC we'll get a mod.

I can't turn down showcasing a reference from The Truman Show. Well done, reader EnigmaN64.

Reader Thomas Remington certainly has the touch. He's our most prolific submitter and clearly knows that Transformers are the way to my heart. Also, Activision, I will do a back flip if the Traveler turns out to be a Transformer. Really. I'll learn how.

You may have heard a theory going around that the Guardians are actually the bad guys in the Destiny story (even if unwittingly so). If so, Derrick Hensel has stumbled across the greatest vehicle to get that message across to players.

Of course, if Admiral Ackbar is too subtle for you, reader Andrew McGlothlin has another idea. This fully operational space station could pose a problem for the Guardians (especially since their ships are only useful as a loading screen).

We haven't heard the Traveler speak yet, but I swear, if Bob Buel is right and these are its first words? I'm out. HAL is freaky. Do not want.

I'm pretty sure that Ben Butzow is just making a joke here, but I think he might be onto something. Have you ever taken a really good look at the Cabal?

Well, reader Caleb Baldwin isn't wrong. The Traveler isn't dead. It's... still alive. (I'll leave.)