
Dong Nguyen, who set the world aflame with Flappy Bird, is back with a new game called Swing Copters – and it looks just as challenging.

Nguyen's Flappy Bird was a worldwide sensation, and soon made him the only game developer in the history of the industry to stop selling his own game because it became too popular. While it's hard to say if Swing Copters will have the same success, it looks pretty fun, and very similar in concept to Flappy Bird. This time around your character has a little propeller on its head, which takes it up through a series of swinging mallets. Naturally, you tap the screen to change direction in order to avoid the obstacles. Basically, it's like Flappy Bird except vertical and with moving pipes. Check out the trailer below. It's available now for free download on the iTunes store.

[Source: Touch Arcade]

Our Take:
This looks like a nice little evolution of Flappy Bird, but somehow I doubt that lightning with strike twice for Nguyen. For me, I was bad enough at Flappy Bird, I don't need the aggravation.