
In our recent interview with Sean O'Brien, NBA Live's executive producer, he revealed that EA is contemplating a change to its business model with NBA Live 15. A free trial of the game will be available on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One this year.

"One of the ideas that we're going to go forward with is hands-on trial. We'll have a free trial for Xbox One and PlayStation 4 this year."

O'Brien continues to discuss the potential for lowering the price point of this year's Live entry. "We saw what 2K did back with selling NFL 2K5 for $20, and it's an interesting strategy, but we feel like whatever we end up doing, the software will speak for itself and that's what's important."

Here's hoping that this year's entry does indeed speak for itself. Last year's next-gen exclusive Live reboot also spoke for itself, but not in any redeeming way.

Be sure to read the rest of the interview with Sean O'Brien to learn more about NBA Live 15. The title is scheduled for a full release on October 7.


Our Take
As O'Brien states in the interview, there have yet to be many free trials on PlayStation 4. The way I see it, the more the merrier. I would even posit that a free beta would help skew both sales and quality in a favorable direction even more, though.