reader discussion
by Wayne Stainrook on Jun 20, 2014 at 02:00 PM

Now that E3 is behind us, many of us are looking to unwind and get back to playing games for pleasure.

Personally, I plan on playing Shantae for the first time via eShop (that trailer for Shantae and the Pirate's Curse from E3 looked great), catching up on the recent episodes of 24 I've missed, and finishing the first Game of Thrones book. What say you, GI readers? What games are you playing on the first official weekend of summer?

Ben Hanson: This weekend I'm hoping to both finish up Transistor and start Wolfenstein. I love the slow ground-swell that has arisen in support of Wolfenstein and I'm eager to check it out. More importantly, I'm excited to play more Mario Kart 8. I've never really committed a lot of time to a Mario Kart game before this one and it turns out that there's a reason why they're so popular.

Mike Futter: I’m hoping to make a big dent in Watch Dogs this weekend. I’m enjoying the game so far, and might decide to stick to the critical path and avoid the side stuff so I can get through it. I’m also strongly considering starting The Witcher in advance of next year’s third entry.

Jeff Marchiafava: Now that the E3 is finally over, I’m looking forward to relaxing a bit this weekend. I’ll likely unwind with a little Zen Pinball, and might hop back into Infamous: Second Son. Then again, I’ve also got Transistor, Child of Light, and Trials: Fusion waiting on my PS4 hard drive, so this weekend might be purely devoted to downloadable games.

Harry Mackin: Can’t stop playing Persona 4. Won’t stop playing Persona 4. I’ve been meaning to check out Broken Age for quite some time, so I think I will also finally try to get into that this weekend. If I’ve somehow got even more game time, I might also try to beat Tomb Raider. I haven’t touched it since about a year ago (for some reason), but E3 got me pumped enough about a sequel that I think I can power through. Have a good weekend! 

Dimitri Gedevanishvili: I feel like I’ve said this every week so far, but I just might finally start playing Watch Dogs. No promises though. I also just watched Terminator 2: Judgment Day for the first time last night (It changed me as a human. That’s how good it was.) so I might go and watch Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines and Terminator Salvation