
If you're a subscriber to the PlayStation Plus service and still have your PS3 hooked up, Skullgirls Encore from Reverge Labs will be available for free tomorrow. It will be the only new free game, but the service is also offering lots of discounts on items in free-to-play titles like Blacklight Retribution, DC Universe Online, Dust 514, and Warframe.

Skullgirls Encore will be available for free when the PSN store updates tomorrow. In addition, you might want to grab Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons (PS3) and Unit 13 (Vita) if you're interested, as they'll be rotating off the Instant Game Collection this week.

Source: PlayStation Blog

Our Take
I reviewed Skullgirls a couple years ago, and thought it was a pretty solid and surprisingly hardcore-friendly fighter. As is usually the case with these free offers, it can't hurt to give it a shot.