
Earlier this week, Kingdom for Keflings developer Ninjabee released its first Xbox One title. While it isn’t the first ID@Xbox Game (that honor belongs to Strike Suit Zero: Director’s Cut), it did set a couple of other firsts.

Nutjitsu is a port of a Windows Phone game, in which the players must navigate a ninja squirrel to recover stolen nuts from samurai foxes. The title is the first to carry a non-sale price tag under $10 (it’s $6.49).

You can also play Nutjitsu snapped, making it the first title to allow another to run at the same time. You can also watch TV (or anything else) while playing and switch over during commercials.

The title is available now from the Xbox Game Store.

[Source: Major Nelson]


Our Take
Being able to snap the game is extremely interesting, as it opens up the Xbox One to a host of smaller mobile ports that require less processing power. Being able to have something open while watching TV (for access during commercials) is a clever selling point that could make games like Nutjitsu more interesting for families.