
Fans of strategy and board games have reason to be excited as the Kickstarter-funded digital card/board game Armello has meet it's funding goal and will be making it's way to a PC or tablet near you in the near future.

League of Geeks is an Australian-based game developer that clearly has a passion for digital board game-like experiences. The studio will get to bring it's latest project, Armello to market thanks to a successful Kickstarter campaign. The campaign recently ended, raising $305,360 out of a $200,000 goal. You can read our latest breakdown of the game here, And if the project sounds interesting to you, you can show your support buy pre-purchasing the game on the developer's website.


Our Take
Blizzard's Hearthstone has recently gotten me excited about digital card games, so I'll welcome any new title along that vein. Armello also has one of the better production values of a Kickstarter project in recent memory, so I think that bodes well for the passion behind the project. I look forward to seeing this game in action soon.