gamer culture

Game music is great for listening to when you need an extra boost of adrenaline or have your head down working. Most of it isn’t wonderful for lulling you to sleep, though.

Snake Eater composer and saxophonist Norihiko Hibino and pianist AYAKI have the cure for that problem. Over the next few weeks, record label Scarlet Moon Productions will be slowly unveiling tracks for Prescription for Sleep: Game Music Lullabies.

This week, Dry, Dry Docks from Super Mario 64 and Lost Painting from Castlevania: Symphony of the Night have been announced. We have a sample of the latter below.


You can listen to more samples on the album website. Tracks already revealed include Lifestream from Final Fantasy VII, Song of the Ancients from Nier, A Wish… from Secret of Mana, and Aquatic Ambiance from Donkey Kong Country.

Starting on May 19, when the album is released, you’ll be able to purchase it from the Loudr page (though this link is not yet live).