
We’ve known for a while that Microsoft is planning to release Insomniac’s Sunset Overdrive in 2014. A new teaser site indicates that the game will have an E3 presence, with further appearances at major events through the summer.

The Overcharge Delirium XT, a beverage from the in-game world of Sunset Overdrive, has its own website now. The mascot, Fizzie, will be on tour in Los Angeles, San Diego, Cologne, and Seattle on dates that coincide with E3, San Diego Comic Con, Gamescom, and PAX Prime.

According to the site, there will be free “wearable advertisements.” We assume this means t-shirts. The Overcharge website also has information about six of the characters from Sunset Overdrive. 

You can check it out for yourself here. You can also read an interview with Insomniac founder Ted Price about Sunset Overdrive.

[Source: Overcharge]


Our Take
As far as themed advertising goes, this one is actually a bit useful thanks to the “on tour” information. I’ve been interested in learning more about Sunset Overdrive since the E3 teaser. It looks like E3 should shed more light on the Xbox One exclusive. It's no surprise that the game will likely be at E3, but it's nice to have some supporting evidence.