The Mass Effect trilogy of games may have a new-gen re-release in its future, if a listing on a Chilean retail site is to be believed.

NeoGAFer Rushersauce recently noticed listings for Mass Effect Trilogy on both PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on the retail site, ZMart. You can find the listing for the PlayStation 4 version of the game here, and the Xbox One version here. Neither listing offers a price or release date, but it does allow customers to sign up to receive a notification when the games are available.

Earlier this month, the Last of Us' PlayStation 4 edition similarly leaked on Sony's online store.

For a list of previous-gen games we'd like to see appear on new-gen consoles head here.

[Source: NeoGAF, via Gematsu]


Our Take
Retailers will sometimes make listings in preparation of potential announcements, so this isn't necessarily assurance of a new-gen re-release of Mass Effect. It's a series that certainly has the potential to receive a re-release, though. I wouldn't be surprised to see the game come to new-gen ahead of its upcoming sequel.