
Sucker Punch has been listening to fan feedback following the release of Infamous: Second Son. In response, the developer is planning a number of changes that will give players more control over the experience.

In the coming weeks, Sucker Punch will be implementing new features that impact the Infamous: Second Son's visuals. You'll be able to change the time of day at will and turn the HUD on and off. Both of these will make it easier to take beautiful screenshots of the Seattle skyline.

Additionally, you'll have the option to lock in the frame rate at 30 FPS. Currently the frame rate is unlocked, meaning it can vary a bit depending on the action on screen. The earliest players can expect the patch is mid-April. For more on Infamous: Second Son, check out our review.

[Source: PlayStation Blog]

Our Take
Infamous is one of most beautiful games I've played, and anything that makes taking screenshots easier (and less cluttered) is ok in my book. The option to lock the framerate will be welcome by players who prefer consistency over occassional bumps in fluidity. It's great to see Sucker Punch listening to fans and spending the time on features that the community wants.