by Jeff Cork on Feb 24, 2014 at 04:29 AM

Get ready to return to Los Perdidos. Microsoft has announced that the third batch of Dead Rising 3 DLC, Chaos Rising, will be arriving tomorrow. The download will show the infection from the perspective of an outlaw biker.

If you played through the game's campaign, you're no doubt familiar with Hunter Thibodeaux – his heavily tattooed face is hard to forget. It looks like you'll be learning more about his story through this batch of content. If the image above is any indication (one of three wallpapers Microsoft released), you won't be stuck with his flame-spewing bike. This one looks considerably sharper, which should no doubt come in handy when you need to carve through a crowd.

The DLC will cost $9.99 individually, or as part of the $29.99 season pass


[Via @Xbox]