reader discussion
by Cameron Koch on Jan 31, 2014 at 01:00 PM

Is it still below freezing outside? Well, we are in Minnesota, so the answer is yes. We plan on kicking back this weekend and staying out of the cold with games like Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag and Blizzard's digital card game Hearthstone.

Jeff Marchiafava: I was hoping to get back into AC IV: Black Flag last weekend, but ended up spending all my gaming time in Starbound again. This weekend I hope to get back to committing piracy on the open seas. I’d also like to get in more time with Battlefield 4, and Zen Pinball 2 to boot.  

Benjamin Hanson: This weekend I'm going to continue playing Hearthstone. Man, that game. I always considered card games to be the dorkiest and least entertaining thing, doubly so for digital card games, but Blizzard has made this open beta in the most approachable way. It has a great style and energy, they made the animations stand out in a freaking card game. Outside of that, I'm hoping to start playing Ocotodad and whatever else floats my way.

Andrew Reiner: I'm playing more of Dead Rising 3, which is a fantastic cooperative experience, and also hope to get in a little Hearthstone: Heroes of WarCraft when I need a break from the zombie slaying. On the movie/TV front, I'm going to watch Bad Grandpa and hopefully wrap up the first season of Under the Dome.

Kyle Hilliard: Despite the promises I made last weekend, I was not able to complete Batman: Arkham Origins. Instead of pursuing the story, I cleaned up nearly every Riddler trophy. I did, however, complete Super Mario 3D World. I am very excited and relieved to finally be able to say that I got all 380 Green Stars, and I did it with fewer deaths than Dan Ryckert. Other than continuing Batman, I will be trying to get into Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag. It hasn’t grabbed me yet, but I have my ship and crew now, so I expect to have trouble putting the game down very soon. Otherwise it’s a normal weekend. Hanging out with the family, and ordering delivery so we don’t have to go outside.

Shin Hieftje: With my Steam back catalogue ever rising, I’m going to get into Mark of the Ninja and Hotline Miami, which I bought on the cheap during the winter sale. I’ll also probably continue my addiction to Civilization V, trying to beat the game on Emperor difficulty.

Cameron Koch: Having just finished Grand Theft Auto V I’m currently looking for a new game to occupy my time. I have an ever growing number of free titles from Games With Gold so I may check out Sleeping Dogs and Tomb Raider: Guardian of Light. League of Legends will probably be played at some point (it always is), but all this talk about how much fun Hearthstone is means I might have to breakdown and give it a try. I will let you know how it goes next week.

What are you playing this weekend?