reader discussion

It's the, "Sega Genesis or Super Nintendo?" school yard question of a new generation.

Skylanders started the trend of video game action figures, but Disney Infinity has both Disney and Pixar licenses – which is a hard battle to fight. Despite the latter's impressive cast of characters, Skylanders is a good game and remains very successful despite the new competition. Unlike other competing games like Call of Duty and Battlefield, for example, buying into Skylanders or Disney Infiinity is a heavy long-term investment. If you're a fan of shooters, it's not out of the question to purchase both Call of Duty and Battlefield on the years when both are available. If you want to absorb everything in Skylanders or Disney Infinity, though, you're going to pay the price, so it's best to just go for one.

Skylanders is the original, and Disney Infinity is the new guy. Which do you prefer? Which is a better game? Or do you prefer neither, generally disliking the trend of action figures and video games (which you can talk about that here).