by Matthew Kato on Jan 17, 2014 at 09:10 AM

UPDATE: If you received an invite and already submitted the NDA, check your inbox. We've received reports that Xbox One download codes are now being sent out.


Original Story

Titanfall developer Respawn has begun sending out invites to select Xbox One owners asking them to participate in an alpha trial of the game.

After signing the NDA asking potential players not to share their experiences in the alpha with the public, they are told to await further instructions.

It's unknown when the alpha will being or specifically what kinds of gameplay/maps/conditions alpha players will test, but they'll likely get a chance to try out the game's 6v6 human player battles, among other things.

In other Titanfall news, recently it was announced that a special controller would be sold for the Xbox One game.

[Source: Thanks to reader Dark Lord and others for the tip!]