
The annual industry convention D.I.C.E. usually features a who's who of video game designers giving presentations on a number of topics. Today, some new speakers, including Mega Man and creator Keiji Inafune, were added to the list of presentations.

The new announced speakers announced today are:

  • Keiji Inafune of Comcept and Capcom

  • Rami Ismail of Vlambeer

  • Hilmar Veigar Petursson of CCP Games

  • Palmer Luckey and Brendan Iribe of Oculus VR


Other speakers scheduled to appear at D.I.C.E. include EA founder Trip Hawkins and Unity CEO David Helgason.

For a complete list of speakers, go to the D.I.C.E. official page.

D.I.C.E. takes place February 4-6 at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas.

[Source: Destructoid]

Our Take:
D.I.C.E. is always a highlight of the year in the game industry, and this year should be no different. It will be interesting to see what Inafune, who's recently become the first big-name Japanese developer to go to Kickstarter for funding, has to say. He's certainly never been afraid to be critical of the industry.