reader discussion
by Ben Reeves on Dec 20, 2013 at 01:00 PM

Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas! We hope you get everything you wished for this year, but mostly we hope you feel loved. Now go devour some holiday cookies and egg nog.

Ben Hanson: I'm really looking forward to playing some games over our big winter break. First up, I'm going to play Dawn of War 2 on my PC. I've been in the mood to play a new RTS campaign and I've heard great things about this one, so I've pushed Warcraft 3 out of the running. Other than that, I checked out a PS1 game called Tail Concerto from Game Informer's vault. Somebody recommended this game for a Replay and, after looking at gameplay footage online, I realized that it looks a lot like Mega Man Legends. I'm on board and I'm hoping to play it with some old friends. Enjoy your break!

Matt Kato: I have an early access code to The Banner Saga, and I'm really excited to see what the tactical game is all about. I also have a copy of Rayman Legends that I can't wait to dig into. I've never played any of the titles in the series, so I'm very intrigued given the hype.

Tim Turi: This weekend I hope to dive into both next-gen systems and satisfy some itches for retro games. I want to play more Call of Duty: Ghosts, Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag, and Need for Speed: Rivals on my PS4. I also want to finally beat Castlevania Bloodlines for the Sega Genesis and replay through Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. If I have time I’d like to play through a PlayStation era Resident Evil game as well.

Matt Bertz: Over the break I plan to wrap up Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, play some more BF4 multiplayer, and continue my NBA 2K14 career. I also hope to catch up with a few games I missed during the busy holiday season, most notably Tearaway and The Room 2.

Jeff Marchiafava: The next two weeks are going to be all about next-gen gaming: I’ve got AC IV, COD: Ghosts, Battlefield 4, and NFS Rivals all patiently waiting next to my PS4. I’ll probably also spend some time with my family and friends or whatever. Happy holidays!

Kyle Hilliard: My family, which includes a two-year old, will be flying to South Carolina to visit family. It’s been a long time since I’ve visited my home state. My wife and I plan on catching up on all the lost sleep of the past two years, and seeing lots of movies. I am also bringing a healthy collection of mobile games to play while I’ll be away from my home consoles.