
We're not very close to the release of Metal Gear Solid V, but that doesn't mean you can't start thinking about where you will place the latest version of Snake on your desk.

Currently up for pre-order, the Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes version of Snake is available from the part of Square Enix that makes collectible figures. This Snake stands at 11" and comes with interchangeable heads, hands, and weapons. He's $99.99, and will be available in spring 2014, which is around the same time the game should be releasing.

You can head here to pre-order Snake now and see more images of him.

Thanks to Joseph Cassou for the news tip!

Update: Readers in both comments and e-mails have pointed out to me that this is Big Boss and not Solid Snake – and they're absolutely right. The listing on Square Enix's site does list him as Snake, but in the context of where Ground Zeroes is meant to take place in the Metal Gear storyline, this is Big Boss. Snake is just a code-name. I've updated the headline for the story accordingly.

[Source: Square Enix]