
When the PlayStation 4 launched on November 15, it brought with it two PlayStation Plus Instant Game Collection titles. Resogun and Contrast are available right now, but what if you want to make the most of your PlayStation Plus membership without the console?

Thanks to Sony’s online PlayStation Store portal, you can. Just sign in, add the two titles to your cart, and check out. When you get a PlayStation 4, you’ll have the licenses for those titles available to you (provided you’re still a PlayStation Plus member).

Thanks to reader Billy for the news tip!


Our Take
If you are currently a PlayStation Plus member, and even if you’re not sure if you’ll ever own a PlayStation 4, go do this right now. One of the things I love about the system was having five titles right away (inclusive of the free-to-play titles). 

I would also recommend “buying” the licenses for everything that hits PlayStation Plus, even if you own the titles on disc. You never know if a bad scratch could leave your media inoperable. 

PlayStation Plus continues to be a great value. If you own a Sony game device, there is no reason not to spend the $50 per year on the service.