
It has been five years since the existence of Team Ico’s next project was first revealed, and nearly eight since The Last Guardian entered development. The title has been one of the most anticipated PlayStation exclusives, and fans are hungry for any information about it.

Speaking with Edge, director Fumito Ueda discussed his decision to go freelance and the protracted development cycle of The Last Guardian. “More than anything I feel terribly sorry that for various reasons I have kept my audience waiting for such a long time,” Ueda tells Edge.

He also reveals that his creative input to the project is long since finished. The details of how the rest of the game will take shape are out of his control.

During the PlayStation 4 launch event in New York City, Sony worldwide studios president Shuhei Yoshida told Geoff Keighley that he had played the game, but wouldn’t reveal if that was on PlayStation 3 or PlayStation 4. During Tokyo Game Show this year, Yoshida told us that Sony is waiting for the right time to introduce the title and also mentioned that the game is being "re-engineered."

[Source: Edge]


Our Take
The Last Guardian has had a troubled development cycle. When (if?) it does finally come out, it will face a great deal of scrutiny because of it. While I would love to believe that The Last Guardian will be a masterpiece, my experience with rocky development cautions me otherwise.