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Obduction Kickstarter Ends Fundraising With Over $1.3 Million

by Katie Seville on Nov 18, 2013 at 10:19 AM

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The Kickstarter campaign for Obduction, Cyan Inc.’s upcoming game, ended this weekend, amassing just over $1.3 million in donations during its fundraising period. Besides reaching its base funding goal, the campaign has also raised enough money to meet its first stretch goal of Oculus Rift support and localization.

The campaign did not raise enough to fund the other stretch goals highlighted in our previous coverage: an additional world and mode as the second stretch goal, and an unrevealed third. However, as noted on the game’s Kickstarter page, Cyan is still accepting PayPal donations on the Obduction website in order to reach their second stretch goal.

Cyan has also released another new video, this one referencing Obduction's premise, which you can watch below.

Our Take

I didn't have much to spare, but I did contribute to Obduction's Kickstarter campaign. It's the first Kickstarter I've actually been financially invested in, and it's been an amazing experience to watch it reach - and surpass - its base funding goal. It'll be interesting to see how Obduction plays on the Oculus Rift. If its control scheme is anything like Myst's, it should be a good fit. I was really hoping that the Kickstarter campaign would make its second stretch goal, but I won't give up until Cyan deems it unreachable.

Since the Obduction website doesn't have a fundraising time limit, I think it's safe to say that Cyan will be accepting donations for some time. In any case, it's wonderful to know that there's another adventure game from Cyan in the works, and I'm excited to watch it develop. I'm especially curious to see how Cyan will balance Obduction's new story and elements with its status as a spiritual successor to Myst and Riven.